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Patras port,
source wikipedia
Patras port breakwater at sunset, photo Antonis Vradis
The pharos, source koino-topia
St. Andrews new orthodox church, source koino-topia
St. Andrews old orthodox church
St. Andrews Anglican church, source wikipedia, picture taken by iaberis
S.t Andrews caholic church
The church of Pantokrator in the upper city
The church of Pantokrator viewed from the castle, photo yiannis caouris
Pantanassa church
St. Nicholas Byzantine church in the outskirts of Patras
The church of Zoodohos Pigi in Rio castle
Patras old city plan, source wikipedia
The Apollo theatre, source wikipedia
Neo-classical building, source koino-topia
The roman odeon, source koino-topia
King George’s square
Stairs at Patreos str., source wikipedia
Stairs at Ag. Nikolaou str., photo Antonis Vradis
Patras from ferry, source wikipedia
The mountains of the “other side”, photo Irene Margiolaki
Sailing boats, photo Stella Vradi
Patras waterfront at sunset, google images
Patras waterfront at sunset, photo Stella Vradi
Sparkling sea water, photo Irene Margiolaki
Sailing boats at sunset, photo Stella Vradi
Patras by night, photo Yiannis Kaouris
Panoramic view of Patras at night, source wikipedia